Saying "Yes" to God's Jewish/Christian Call

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Saying "Yes" to God's Jewish/Christian Call.


Journeying with One Foot in the Christian World and One in the
Jewish World


This website was created to showcase how much God loves Jews and Christians united together (Psalm 133). Before my 1975 God encounter about His Jewish people, I had no idea there was a man-made division between the two. I was busy in my own little world and there were no thoughts of His chosen people Israel. They were of no concern to me – right? However, if He called them “chosen”, and I said I loved HIM with everything in me, how had I missed that? But, sadly, I had missed.

In 1995, after praying for Israel many years and falling in love with her, God spoke to me about Ruth, and soon many Jewish doors opened. For the first time, I had Jewish friends, an Israeli Hebrew teacher, Rabbi friends, visited Israel with Jews, and much more. I loved this new life, but what I came to realize was, they were in my life to teach me the Jewish part of Ruth that I could never understand without them!

I can tell you assuredly, God is very serious about Jewish-Christian relations and would love for all to partner with Him in this exciting adventure.

Below is an abbreviated timeline from 1975 to present:

  • 1975 – Fervently praying for our young son who it seemed was only tolerated by most family, friends and Christians when God suddenly spoke to me and said, “Now, do you see how I feel with Israel,” after which I committed to pray for her every day for the rest of my life.
  • 1995 – Sick in bed and God spoke again, this time about Ruth in the Bible. I did not understand but said to God that I would pursue Ruth until I did. Ten years later the Ruth 3,000 book was published. (Please see the Ruth teaching video in the Media section.)
  • 1997 – Was approached by Rabbi Gary Shansky who said, “It is time for Christians to start blessing Jews, and God told me to call you.” His specific challenge was for Christians to present the local Jewish community with a present for their 50th “Birthday” (1948-1998). Christians wrote and paid for tribute messages to Jewish friends/acquaintances which were printed in a booklet and with which the $60,000-plus funds were raised to purchase an Israeli Red Cross Ambulance as a gift to the local Jewish community. The ambulance was later shipped to Israel for service.
  • 2000 – A member of our small Christian group shared that God had told her we were next to do something for Yom HaShoah – Holocaust remembrance. This “something” translated into our group building a month-long Holocaust Exhibit telling the story of the 1.5 million children murdered in the Holocaust. The Exhibit included survivor testimonies, original art, etc. Admission was free but donations were accepted. At month’s end more than enough money was raised to pay passage for over 70 Russian Jews to move to Israel.
  • 2009 – Horn Lake Middle School teacher Susan Powell emailed me that a Rabbi had given her my name and said I might be able to help her get a Holocaust Survivor speak to her students. We later met, along with Melissa Swartz Wheeler, also a teacher at HLMS, to discuss a Holocaust project for their students. From that meeting “The Pennies Project” was born where their students would collect 1.5 million pennies, one for each child who perished.
  • 2010 –Gen SC Home School students asked to join HLMS students collecting pennies. They continue being involved and have raised $50,000 and have learned to love on a lot of Jewish people.
  • 2011 – Published “Jewish Game Changers” which contains personal Jewish/Christian stories beginning with that initial 1975 encounter with God.
  • 2015 – “The Pennies Project” became the non-profit Unknown Child Foundation, Inc. ( with architectural plans to build a Memorial to the children who perished in the Holocaust. (Please see the Unknown Child video in the Media section for more of the story and how to become involved.)
  • 2018 – Ruth 3000 book translated and published in Korean.
  • 2018 – Unknown Child Foundation approved its first two Jewish Board members, and as of 2020, there are four Jewish members, two of whom are children of Holocaust survivors.